Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Beginning...

So I have been studying abroad in Bilbao, Spain for a month and a half now, and time has been going so fast! After seeing a lot of people that have created blogs or are writing about their trip, I decided it was an important thing to start. That way I can share with my family and friends and have these memories a long time from now.
So first things first, I arrived in Bilbao on Jan. 11th 2010 completely exhausted and thankful that my luggage made it safely to Bilbao. The trip had started off a little rough when the Cleveland airport had a power outage and my entire plane had to be re-booked. I flew from Detroit to Frankfurt, Germany to Bilbao. In Frankfurt the airport was a little overwhelming. But luckily they spoke English at the desk and I was able to make it safely to my terminal.
When I arrived in the Bilbao airport the University of Deusto representatives were there to meet us and if we were staying with families, then they were there to pick us up. My host 'dad' Oscar helped me put all my luggage in his car. The day was actually beautiful on the drive back to where I would be saying. the sun was shining, the grass was so green, and the mountains were beautiful. It typically rains in Bilbao, so it's important to appreciate the sunshine :)
When Oscar and I arrived at his apartment we lugged all my things up 5 stories....quite the work-out--no elevator. But luckily like Matt, my boyfriend, told me before I left-you only have to get your luggage there and then take it home. And I am glad I brought all that I do have.
Once inside I met Beatrice, Raquel's sister. Raquel is Oscar's wife. Their apartment is small but cute, there is one hallway in which all the rooms branch off of. There are 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, 1 dining room and then the tv room. I met Raquel later that night after Oscar picked her up from work at Ikea. She is an interior designer there, and Oscar is an interior designer through his own business.
Alrighty, for your sake and for some organization I think I will break up some of the topics :) School is next :)

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